Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
The Extraordinary Eucharistic ministers distribute communion at Mass and take
communion to the homebound parishioners.
Contact: Church Office
Altar Servers
The Altar Servers assist the Priest in the sanctuary at Mass and at other liturgical functions. They are in charge of setting up the sanctuary for Mass and other liturgical celebrations. This ministry is open to boys and girls who have received their first communion and are willing to make a commitment to serve on a regular basis.
Contact: Dwight Wilcox & Maria Jorge
The Lectors are in charge of reading the first and second readings, the responsorial psalm (if not sung), the prayers of the faithful and the parish announcements at Mass.
Contact: Therese Garces
Ushers (Hospitality Ministers)
The Ushers welcome people, assist in seating, receive the collection, distribute bulletins, and handle emergencies during Mass or other liturgical functions.
Contact: Margaret Stewart, Vicky Buckley & Nick Gizzi
The Sacristans set up the sanctuary for Mass and other liturgical celebrations. They are in charge of the care of the vestments, vessels, linens, books, and candles used for Mass and other liturgical functions.
Contact: Juliette Silveira
Religious Education Volunteer Catechists and Classroom Assistants
The catechists are in charge of teaching youth and children of St. Agnes parish on Tuesdays at 4:00 pm in the Parish Center. The faith formation program includes preparation for First Holy Communion, Confirmation, Children’s liturgy, Altar Serving. The program covers from September through May. For more information, please call 619-223-4725.
St. Agnes Choir
The English Choir provides liturgical music for the 11:00am Sunday Mass (First, third and fifth Sundays), for funerals and weddings and other liturgical functions. Rehearsals are in the Church on Tuesday evenings at 7:00pm.
Contact: Raymond Francisco
St. Agnes Portuguese Choir
The Portuguese Choir provides liturgical music for the 11:00am Sunday Mass (Second and fourth Sundays), for funerals and other liturgical functions.
Contact: Fatima Estrela
Rex Choir
Rex and company sing the Saturday and Sunday evening Masses. They are available for funerals, weddings and other liturgical functions.
Contact: Rex Afan
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Team
RCIA enables adults to gain a fuller understanding of the Catholic faith and community. This is a faith formation process for those who are unbaptized, or baptized in another faith, as well as those Catholics who need to receive First Communion and Confirmation. The program is held every Thursday at 6:45pm in the Parish Center
Contact: Parish Office
Baptismal Preparation Instructors
The catechists prepare families for the celebration of baptism of their children. They present the requirements for baptism and the role of the parties in the baptismal liturgy. Instruction takes place on the first Tuesday of the month at 7:30pm in the Parish Center.
Contact: Jeanette Finete
Wedding Coordinators
Wedding Coordinators contact the bride one month before their wedding to organize an orientation about their wedding preparations. They assist the Priest with rehearsals and are present the day of the wedding to orient the florists, camera, video people and the musicians. They prepare the altar for the wedding ceremony and assist the wedding party during the celebration.
Contact: Mary Aldous
Vocations Awareness Prayer Group
The group meets every Wednesday before the 7:30am Mass to pray for an increase in the lay, Priesthood and Religious life vocations in the Church.
Contact: Open
Our Lady of Fatima Group
The group is in charge of promoting devotion to Our Lady of Fatima.
Contact: Julieta Silveira & Maria Jorge
Mission Circle
The group is committed to organize activities to promote donations to seven sponsored missionaries in the US, Africa, South America and Philippines. Funds are raised from monthly buffet breakfast held on the first and second Sundays of the month after the 8:00am and 11:00am Masses in the Parish Hall. All proceeds will go directly to the sponsored missionaries.
Contact: Hannah Olson
St. Agnes Women’s Guild
The women of the Guild are excited to announce our new officers: Acting President MaryJane Warren, Vice President Barbara Hosaka, Treasurer Debra Correia, and Secretary Korrine Madruga.
The Women’s Guild is dedicated to supporting our community and Church. This past year, we’ve donated snacks, clothes, and pillows to Cabrillo Elementary, fried churros for the Loaves and Fishes fundraiser, provided desserts for church events, and cared for our clergy and altar servers by dry cleaning albs and washing altar linens.
We invite you to join us on September 10th to discuss expanding our mission. – Flyer
Many blessings and care, the St. Agnes Women’s Guild.
Contact: Mary-Jan Warren
Bereavement Ministry
The group facilitates the celebration of funeral and memorial Masses. It helps the bereaved families in the preparation and celebration of these liturgies.
Contact: Francine Sanfilippo
Parish Website
The group maintains the website of the parish.
Contact: Paul Grimes & Aaron Dishno
Live-Stream Videos
Provides live-stream video (and replays) of the Sunday 8:00am mass. Could be available for funerals and special masses.
Contact: Paul Grimes
Finance Council
It operates as an advisory group to the Pastor in keeping the finances, projects and maintenance of the facilities of the parish.
Food Distribution
The group organizes the distribution of food from the San Diego Food Bank to the families in need of food assistance.
Contact: Aaron Dishno & Karen Dishno
Loaves and Fishes Fundraiser Triumph!
We are thrilled to announce that the Loaves and Fishes fundraiser was an overwhelming success!
A heartfelt thank you goes out to everyone who attended, donated trips, baskets, dinners, and to the countless volunteers who dedicated countless hours in preparing, sharing, decorating, performing, and cooking for this remarkable event.
Thanks to our incredible community, we raised over $18,000, which will enable us to provide food for 4,800 individuals through July. This tremendous achievement underscores our collective commitment to supporting our struggling neighbors. Bravo to everyone involved, and thank you once again for your unwavering support!
Morghan Graham