Pope Francis said, “The words and gestures of the Lord touch our hearts: He takes the bread in His hands, pronounces the blessing, breaks it and offers it to the disciples, saying: Take; this is my body”.

With great simplicity Jesus gives us the greatest sacrament in a humble gesture of giving and of sharing.
At the culmination of His life, Jesus does not distribute an abundance of bread to feed the crowds, but He breaks Himself at the Passover supper with the disciples, and He shows us that that the aim of life lies in self-giving, that the greatest thing is to serve.

Reflecting on how we find the greatness of God in a piece of bread, in a fragility that overflows with love and sharing, Pope highlighted the meaning of the word Fragility explaining that at the last supper Jesus becomes fragile like that broken and crumbled. But his strength lie precisely therein.

In the Eucharist fragility is strength: the strength of the love that becomes small so as to be welcomed and not feared; the strength of the love that is broken and shared so as to nourish and give life; the strength of the love that is split apart so as to join us in unity.