For nothing will be impossible for God!” (Luke 1:37)
God created the universe out of nothing. God’s Spirit hovers over the water in Genesis 1:2. It is like a mighty wind blowing over the surface of the waters. This is the Spirit of love, the Holy Wind that is not part of the chaos but like God’s motherly love conveying the promise of life, order and beauty. The words of the angel Gabriel to Mary reveals God’s creative power. The angel was sent from God to announce the fulfillment of God’s plan of salvation. This is God’s initiative breaking into our lives. The mystery of Incarnation is that God became man so that man might become God. Jesus is the definitive revelation of God’s love and glory. He is the restoration of all things to God. He brings back people into the right relationship with Him. Jesus said that we should worship God in Spirit and in Truth. To worship in Spirit is to worship from the heart. To worship in Truth is to worship with the very lives we live. In Jesus, God fulfills all His rewards and promises. He fulfills His promise to make us whole again, undivided, complete and persons of integrity. Mary’s generous yes to the angel reveals her total consecration to the divine plan. She believes in the words of the angel and becomes the first disciple of Jesus. She allows God to use her and her unconditional yes changed the whole world. Mary is a model of deep receptivity to the creative action of the Holy Spirit. Like Mary we are called to obey God in faith and to give our absolute participation in God’s saving plan. Only those who say yes to God will give birth to the Savior and become agents of His love and mercy to all.
Merry Christmas!