In the Gospel of Mark 1:29-39, the author presents the day in the life of Jesus. He is in full swing of His public ministry. He performs healing, driving out many demons, proclaiming the Good News and praying. The healing of Jesus signals that the reign of Satan is ended and the Kingdom of wholeness has come. Suffering, sin and death do not have the last word. God alone has the ultimate and last word. The public ministry of Jesus reveals also the three essential tasks of the Church for she is tasked to continue His work. She is the Mystical Body of Christ and He is the head. The first essential task is the Church worships God. Like Jesus who is in constant communion with the Father, the Church is called to center herself and be rooted in God’s love. God does not need anything from us but our worship enables us to love the way God loves. Our worship empowers us to learn to love freely, generously, abundantly and extravagantly. We are God’s children and we are tasked to make His love shine in our lives. The second essential task is the Church serves the poor. She is tasked to reach out to those who are hurting and needy through love and service. It is in serving the poor that we see face of God in them. Jesus identifies himself with those who suffer. “What you do to the least of my brothers and sisters, you do it unto me” (Matthew 25:40). The third essential task is the Church evangelizes. Like Jesus, the Church is tasked to be on fire to proclaim the Good News. God loves us with that extravagant, infinite and boundless love and He wants to save us. We are called to participate in the work of Jesus creating new heavens and new earth. The first word of Jesus when He begins His public ministry is repent. Repentance is metanoia in Greek which means total conversion, radical change of mind and heart, turning around. Jesus is the light that points in the direction of God. The Church is tasked to proclaim the Word, the only true power, the power of truth and the power of love. “Heaven and earth will pass away but My Word will remain” (Mt 24:35).