The Transfiguration of Jesus is narrated by the three Synoptic gospels namely, Matthew, Luke and Mark. It is called Christophany because it is the manifestation of Christ revealing His true identity and glory. It is also the turning point of His ministry when He begins His journey to Jerusalem where He will be put to death by the religious elite. He is determined to go to Jerusalem because He is single minded and undivided in His love for the Father and for Us. He is not afraid to die. He is willing to give all even His life so that God’s extravagant love is revealed in Him. The Transfiguration of Jesus comes from the Greek word word, Metamorpho, which the English word metamorphosis is derived. It is a process by which a caterpillar becomes a butterfly. It is like us. We are nothing because we are dust and to dust we shall return yet God created us in His likeness and image. God does not need us yet we are created to participate in His life and glory. Peter, James and John were privilege to catch a glimpse of the glory of Jesus. The manifestation was short because it points to the ultimate glory of Jesus which is revealed on the Cross. He is the Suffering Servant not a triumphant Messiah. He has to go through suffering and death but His final destination is glory. Suffering and glory cannot be separated. Light and darkness are like two sides of the same coin and both lead to Easter glory. There is no true love without sacrifice. True love exists with both joy and sorrow, sorrow and joy. It also reveals that suffering and even death do not have the last word. God alone has the last and ultimate word. The glory of God is His tremendous love for humanity revealed by Jesus on the Cross. God loved the world so much that He gave His only begotten Son (John 3:16). He does not hold back anything from us, not even His Son to lead us to the goodness He desires for us. That is why, He did not spare Jesus from death so that we are spared from death. He is pazzo d’amore with us. St. Paul says that if God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare His own Son but handed Him over for us all, how will he not also give us everything else along with Him (Romans 8:31-33)? We are called to fall in love with God even when we do not see the glory and even when the benefits are taken away from us. God alone is the absolute and supreme good calling us to put Him above all else. When we learn to do that, we become truly sons and daughters of the Father.