The Gospel of Mark (Mk 10:2) tackles the difficult issue of divorce which is a very sensitive and painful reality in our society today. Divorce was also controversial during the time of Jesus. In fact, in that culture, there was an easy divorce policy that prevailed. It was initiated by man and not by woman. Marriages were arranged between families for family alliances. Dissolving marriage was also dissolving family alliance. Not all marriages are made in heaven. They don’t happen but they are made. Spouses need the skill to learn the art of loving. But the good news is Jesus. He restores our original integrity, created in the likeness and image of God. He did not come to condemn but to save. He is our healer so that like God we are capable of undivided love. We were created for one another and for togetherness. God said in the Book of Genesis (Gn 2:18) that it is not good for the man to be alone. He created a suitable partner for him. He took out one of his ribs and created a woman. This is a call to intimacy, communion, equal dignity, partnership, mutuality, autonomy and new relationship. The Bible reveals that the fundamental unit is not the individual but the family. God brought together husband and wife. He is the author of marriage and the source and font of endless and faithful love. That is why Jesus upholds the permanence and sanctity of marriage. It is the sacrament of unity and a profound covenant that reflects God’s enduring, steadfast and endless love. The family is the basic unit of society. It is the domestic Church where we learn our faith. Parents are the first teachers of faith. Hence families are called to put God as the center in their lives. He is the transcendent third because marriage like friendship will last only in the measure that the two partners fall in love not only with one another but together they fall in love with God and surrender themselves to Him. With man it is impossible but with God, everything is possible. The goal of marriage is the ultimate good of humanity. Keeping God’s will enables us to become a blessing to others, families, communities, neighbors and ourselves. The dream of God is that we witness His faithful love in the world. We need to ask Jesus to heal our families so that we become agents of God’s compassionate healing in the world.