Select from many available weekly sessions. Monday 7:00 PM, Tuesday 4:00 PM, Wednesday 8:00 PM, Friday 1:00 PM, Saturday 7:00PM, Sunday 6:30 PM Like to Join? Email Father Romy
Virtual Bible Catechesis via Zoom

Point Loma, San Diego, CA
Point Loma, San Diego, CA
Select from many available weekly sessions. Monday 7:00 PM, Tuesday 4:00 PM, Wednesday 8:00 PM, Friday 1:00 PM, Saturday 7:00PM, Sunday 6:30 PM Like to Join? Email Father Romy
When Bishop Robert McElroy called me two years ago and told me that I am assigned as Pastor of St. Agnes Catholic Church, I had mixed feelings. I was shocked, surprised and excited because to be as signed as pastor of a parish is a great task and responsibility. It is also a sign of the bishop’s trust in me. …
Select from many available weekly sessions. Monday 7:00 PM, Tuesday 4:00 PM, Wednesday 8:00 PM, Friday 1:00 PM, Saturday 7:00PM, Sunday 6:30 PM Like to Join? Email Father Romy
After the celebration of the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, we begin the Ordinary Time of our liturgy. Ordinary Time refers to those periods that fall outside of the major liturgical seasons and they are not ordinary at all. It does not mean that it is not important. Ordinary Time is called “ordinary” because the weeks are numbered. …
Happy New Year! We started this New Year 2023 by celebrating Mary, the Holy Mother of God. And it is fitting because Mary is the Mother of the Redeemer and the redeemed as well. Through her unconditional yes, God who is invisible became visible. That is our task this new year, to make God visible by putting him above all …
God pitched His tent among us! This is God’s dream! To be one of us, human like us in all our weaknesses, limitations and vulnerabilities. For a child is born to us! God fulfilled his promise of salvation by sending his only begotten Son to us. He is the fullness of love, the greatest sign of God’s love. Jesus is …
Advent is a time to prepare the way of the Lord. He comes to us and we are invited to repent so that we are able to recognize His arrival. Repentance is metanoia, radical change of mind and heart, turning around, taking a new direction. That is why Advent is also a penitential season. It is a time of conversion …
Luke 6: 27-38 (7th Week of Ordinary Time, Year C) The readings last Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time were powerful. In the Book of Samuel (1Samuel 26:2-23), David had the opportunity to eliminate his enemy, Saul. Abishai whispered to him that the Lord has delivered his enemy into his grasp. But David chose the way of restraint, the way of …
John 2:1-11 (2nd Week of Ordinary Time, Year C) In the gospel of John, he narrates the story of the Wedding at Cana where Jesus did his first act of ministry, his first sign. Sign for John points to something beyond itself. For the authors of the synoptic gospel, signs are miracles. The first sign of Jesus happened at a …