At the sight of the crowds, Jesus’ heart was moved with pity for them… (Matthew 9:36) Jesus
is the perfect icon of God’s extravagant love. He is the image par excellence of the Invisible
God. His heart was moved with pity because He is the Good Shepherd. He reveals God’s
loving gaze to us. When God sees us, He sees our pain, suffering and misery. That is the
heartfelt compassion of Jesus. He is not an audience, spectator, indifferent. He involves,
engages and enters into our human experience. He reveals the heart of Yahweh, the God of
Israel. When God revealed himself to Moses at the burning bush, He said, “I heard the cry of
my people. I saw their suffering. Whom shall I send?” (Exodus 3:7) Jesus’ heart was moved
with pity because only God satisfies us. He is the longing, yearning and desire of the people of
Israel. Our hearts are made for God alone and our hearts are restless until they find rest in
God (St. Augustine). Most of the time we look for happiness and satisfaction in the wrong
places. We are made for God alone that is why we are never satisfied with the things of this
world because we are meant for eternity. We are meant to live with God forever. Jesus’ heart
was moved with pity because that is the immensity of God’s compassion. He is our loving and
merciful Father. He wants to fill us with His love and sends us for the transformation of the
world. He calls us to be shepherds to the needy. He gave the disciples the authority over
unclean spirits because Jesus is a warrior. The disciples of Jesus are also warriors. Life is a
battle against forces of darkness visible and invisible. We fight against evil not on its own terms
but on God’s terms. If we fight evil on its terms we will never win. The healings of Jesus
reveals that the reign of Satan is ended. The kingdom of wholeness has come. That is why we
need the power of God that is His divine love, the Holy Spirit who is the love that connects the
Father and the Son. God’s love is the authentic power, the only and real power. Love alone is
eternal. So we fight evil by being rooted in God’s love. Jesus’ heart is moved with pity today
because many are still lost, hungry and thirsty of God’s love. Are we willing to be agents of
God’s love? Then we are called to encounter and experience His love by submitting ourselves
totally to the Way of Christ, making His choices, vision and values our own for the
transformation of the world.

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