The Solemnity of Christ the King ends the liturgical year and ushers the start of the Advent Season. Jesus’ kingship is different from the kings of the world. “My kingdom is not of this world! (John 18:36)” The kings of this world use their power and authority to save and serve themselves. Instead, Jesus, the King of kings, uses His power and authority to serve and save others because service is love in action. Jesus is a humble King because He associates with the lowly. He identifies himself with the weak, the poor, the least and neglected in our society. Our God is a God of the poor who came to serve and not to be served. Jesus is a universal King because He reveals the universal vision of love. We are allone and connected thus inviting us to care for one another. Jesus is also a Suffering King crucified on the Cross. In fact, the Cross is the throne of Jesus. It is the key to inherit the kingdom. It is the revelation of the mystery of God’s love, pazzo d’amore with us (crazy in love with us). The kingdom is not earned but inherited, freely given, pure grace. In Jesus we have access to God. When Christ comes again in glory, He will separate the sheep from the goats. The sheep is the metaphor of God’s people. They represent those who rely on God alone with a teachable heart that is, a heart that is willing to learn to love freely, generously, abundantly and extravagantly. The goats represent those who are self sufficient, who do not recognize the need of a Savior like our society where the sense of God is lost. Our King identifies himself with the lowly because He is the Good Shepherd who leaves the ninety-nine to search the lost sheep. That is God’s radical, extravagant, sacrificial love. He wants all of us to be saved. Thus, inviting us to recognize the face of God in our brothers and sisters especially the needy. What you do to the least of my brothers and sisters, you do it to me! (Matthew 25:40)” . Christ the King invites us to participate in His kingship by serving one another. In baptism we become kings, prophets and priests. As kings, we are servant leaders. As prophets, we are spokespersons of God. As priests, we are mediators between God and man. We are called to do the corporal works of mercy so that we continue the works of Jesus by restoring all things to Himself. He draws all people to Himself so that God maybe all in all.
The Humble and True King