Advent comes from the Latin word, ‘Adventus’, which means coming. It is a time to prepare for the coming of the Lord. It is always God’s initiative to come to us because He is the potter and we are the clay. He wants to mold us, heal us and strengthen us. There are three important comings of Jesus in our lives. First is when He was born of the Virgin Mary in Bethlehem. It is a historical event and reveals the mystery of Incarnation. That is, God became man so that man might become God. The second coming is when Jesus will come again in glory at the end of time. He will gather all people to Himself. The third coming is when He comes to us everyday in every person, experience, event and happening in our lives. That is why Advent is the realization of our need of a Savior because it is only Jesus who can save us. We are not self sufficient and we are called to rely on God alone. Jesus said, “Be watchful, be alert! You do not know when the time will come! (Mark 13:33)” To be watchful is to be vigilant, attentive, ready, prepared and recognize that each day must be lived as if it were our last. It is not because of fear and anxiety. It is to give the best of ourselves everyday so that we are at peace. When we give all we become whole, complete, total and undivided. We are called to be responsible, faithful and fruitful stewards of creation today. The five letters of the word WATCH stand for waiting, attune, target, commit and hope. WAITING is a time to pause. During this advent we are invited to pray, listen and bask in the presence of God. ATTUNE is to align ourselves with God and with His plans for us. He wants the best for us. TARGET is to breakdown the obstacles, frontiers and barriers around us so that God can use us. COMMIT is to make the choices, vision and values of Jesus our own. To submit ourselves totally to God. HOPE is confident hope because God is faithful. Our Christian hope is not empty because our God makes all things possible.