As we approach the Holy Week, the liturgy gives us a sense of anticipation and expectation. God works for us in Jesus, making all things new. It is always God’s initiative. Jeremiah prophesied that God will make a new covenant written not anymore on stone tablets but on the hearts of all. The covenant is a pledge and sharing of life. God declares that I will be your God and you are my people. It is like a marital relationship. God is the groom and we are His bride. What’s wrong with the Old Covenant? It is typically violated by the people of Israel. The recurring problem is disobedience. God is faithful but His people are unfaithful, rebellious and stubborn. The fulfillment of the prophecy of Jeremiah is Jesus. He is radically obedient to the Father. He learned obedience from what He suffered and becomes the source of eternal salvation for all who obey Him. He himself is the law of God. He is the Torah made flesh. The New Covenant is sealed by His blood and established in His blood. That what happens in the Sacrament of the Eucharist. When we eat His Body and drink His blood God is writing His law upon our hearts. His law of love is inside of us. In the Eucharist, we are fed with the best food that is, the Body and Blood of Christ so that we become what we receive. We are called to be another Christ in the world. Our task is to remain in the light and embrace the truth. Jesus gives us the new commandment: to love another as He loves us. The New Covenant is centered in God’s extravagant and boundless love. He did not spare Jesus, His Son from death so that we are spared from death. He does not hold back anything from us even His Son to lead us to the goodness He desires for us. In Jesus, we have full access to God. The Holy Week therefore is cause for great joy and optimism. Jesus is creating new heavens and new earth. God wants the best version of ourselves. We are called to obey Him because obedience to Him leads to blessings and life. Disobedience to Him leads to curse and death. He does not condemn us but for those who obey Him are empowered to become His children.