The word Easter is derived from the name of the Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring and fertility. The Resurrection of Jesus is the celebration of life. Our God is a God of the living not of the dead. God’s love is stronger than death. His love is the only true power in the universe. Jesus defeated evil, sin and death by the power of God’s love. He alone has the ultimate and last word, not death. It is the initiative of God, the invasion of grace. When sin increases, grace overflows the more. The promise of immortality is fulfilled. In the resurrection of Jesus, we are restored to our original dignity, created in the likeness and image of God.
What is our response to the resurrection of Jesus? We are called to be life givers, agents of God’s love, mercy and compassion in this fragmented and fallen world. We are called to witness that love is stronger than death, forgiveness must prevail over hatred, giving must overcome greediness and to celebrate life everyday. This requires the grace of the Holy Spirit. Jesus shares His life with us so that we come to live in His Spirit. And the Holy Spirit is already poured in our hearts in our baptism, in the Eucharist and in our faith community. We are called to be holy, to be formed according to the mind and heart of God not for our sake but for the sake of others.
Therefore, the Resurrection of Jesus calls us to come out into the light of love, goodness and truth. The paschal mystery of Jesus Christ is complete, but our paschal experience of death and rising is progressive and ongoing. But the good news is that we are not alone. We have our faith community, the communion of saints, the Scriptures, the Holy Spirit and the eternal presence of Jesus.
He is risen! Alleluia!