St Paul says that, if Christ is not risen, then all our believing is in vain. Our Christian faith is deeply rooted and finds its real meaning in the Resurrection of Jesus. He defeated sin, evil and death forever by His passion, death and resurrection. He came out victorious by the power of God’s love. His enemies thought that by crucifying Him, they eliminated Him forever. Instead, God vindicated Him by rising Him from the dead. God’s love is the only true power in the universe. Death has no power over Him anymore. It does not have the last word. God alone has the last and ultimate word. By the resurrection of Jesus, we are also assured of victory over sin, evil and death. We are called to imitate the selfless love of Jesus because love alone is eternal. God’s response to those who killed His Son is not destruction, hatred, revenge or retaliation. His response is new life and new creation. God is making all things new in Jesus. He restores all things to Himself. What is our response to the great message of the Resurrection of Jesus? It reveals God’s overwhelming love for all of us. God works for us in Christ and He is the first fruits of new creation. We are new creations in Christ. Therefore, our response is confident hope because our God is always faithful. He is always in control and in charge. Our task is to make God’s love prevail in our lives. It is to celebrate life and participate in making this world a better place to live by working for the well being of others. We are meant to live with God in eternity and it begins today by cooperating with grace. The resurrection of Jesus is also our resurrection because where the head goes the body will also follow. We are the Mystical Body of Christ and He is the head. He said that whoever serves me the Father will glorify him. Servanthood is the road to glory and as followers of Jesus we are called to serve one another. When we do that, then we are able to defeat evil and sin in our lives.