In the Gospel of Mark (Mk 10:35-45), Jesus predicted for the third time His passion, death and resurrection. He was preparing His disciples for His impending death. Instead, the disciples did not understand Him. James and John asked Him to be seated at His right and left. They wanted the two highest places of honor. The rest of the apostles …


In the Gospel of Mark (Mk 10:17-30), Jesus gives another radical and uncompromising teaching and the focus is on wealth. He is preparing His disciples for His impending death. He is on His way to Jerusalem and His Cross. He teaches them about the proper way of using wealth because riches and possession could own, possess and corrupt us. He …


The Gospel of Mark (Mk 10:2) tackles the difficult issue of divorce which is a very sensitive and painful reality in our society today. Divorce was also controversial during the time of Jesus. In fact, in that culture, there was an easy divorce policy that prevailed. It was initiated by man and not by woman. Marriages were arranged between families …


In the Gospel of Mark, Jesus prepares His disciples for His impending death. He is on His way to Jerusalem and the Cross. He teaches them that discipleship is humble service rather than position and power. Service and humility are sterling qualities of discipleship and true marks of greatness. They have to learn from Jesus that ministry is shared responsibility …