In the Resurrection of Jesus, a new world emerges, a new order opens up. It is a new way of life where we give right praise to God and bring right order into the world. God restores wholeness and Jesus restores our original integrity: created in the image and likeness of God. He creates new heavens and new earth where God’s love, justice, truth, peace and care prevail. This is fulfilled in the death, passion and resurrection of Jesus that made it possible for us to participate in God’s life by adoption. The whole of creation is radically transformed. God is in-charge and Jesus faithfully executes the will of God: our well-being. As we begin the season of Advent, we are called to actively wait for the coming of Jesus. We submit ourselves totally to His reign that is based on servitude and fidelity to the truth. We give our undivided loyalty of  mind, spirit and will to God who is the supreme good, absolute treasure and essential in life. We are called to be  builders of God’s kingdom here and now: a kingdom of justice, truth, peace, love, grace and holiness. We make the choices, values and vision of Jesus our own so that we cease to be slaves to created things. God is the only true God. Beside Him there is no other. All the rest are false security and hope. The Church’s witnessing is most effective and authentic in her service and sacrifice to people in need and not in political connections and great architecture. She is always called to serve and speak the truth about God’s love. He withholds nothing to us not even His only Begotten Son, Jesus to lead us to the goodness He desires for us. The truth leads to wisdom and enables us to understand the true meaning and purpose of life. And that is service. Our life increases and multiplies in the measure that we give it away. A new world emerges in the Resurrection of Jesus. He comes to us at any moment of our lives. Therefore, Advent is a call to vigilance, readiness, watchfulness and preparedness. We allow ourselves to be empowered by the grace of the Holy Spirit so that we participate today in God’s good governance in the universe. When we do that, we become responsible stewards of creation.