John the Baptist is presented as a very important figure during this season of Advent. It is because he is precursor of the Lord, preparing the way of the Lord. He also invites the Jews to prepare their lives for the coming of Jesus, the Messiah. He proclaims a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. The baptism is sacramental or symbolic action to cleanse the people of their sins and that evil past is totally washed away. John requires the Jews to repent and baptizes them for the forgiveness of sins. Repentance comes from the Greek word, metanoia, which means radical change of one’s mind and heart, a turning around and change of direction. It is to acknowledge our need of a Savior for healing and well being. We are not in control and cannot save ourselves. Repentance is turning from worldly compulsions to Godly affections. It is total and radical change of outlook in our relationship with God and one another. It is genuine renewal and conversion of heart, a radical change of values and priorities. It is to make the vision, values, and choices of Jesus our own. Forgiveness is liberation from the chains of sin and evil. It is total reconciliation with God and others. It is healing and making us whole. The reward of repentance is remission of sins and the release from the grip of sin. It is giving right praise to God and bringing right order into the world. The fruit of forgiveness is inner harmony and peace. We need forgiveness and God forgives. It is to acknowledge that we are sinners. To speak of forgiveness is to speak first of sin. If there is no sin, there is no need of forgiveness. Repentance therefore is a way of preparing our hearts for the Lord’s visit. It is to remove any obstacles that stand in the way of the Lord taking His rightful throne in our lives.  He must be the Lord and King of our lives. To prepare the way of the Lord is to welcome Him who is the  source of all good things, fullness of life, lasting peace and complete joy.