The birth of Jesus reveals God’s relentless quest for us because the business of God is finding us. The mystery hidden in God from all eternity is made known to the entire world in the birth of Jesus. Thus, the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord is manifestation, appearance, revelation and showing because the secrets of the kingdom are fully revealed in Jesus. Epiphany is God’s vision of salvation for all creation made manifest in Jesus. It is God’s initiative to reveal the mystery of His love for humanity. Epiphany is also revelation that Jesus is the Savior of all nations because for God there are no foreigners, outsiders, outcast. All are equally God’s beloved children. Therefore, the dividing walls between races, cultures, religion, gender, color are broken down. All barriers fall in Jesus. In fact, on the Cross, He destroyed all separations and division. In Jesus we have full access to God. Jesus is the Star that guides the Magi in their journey. He is the fixed and permanent point, the new GPS, global positioning system whose signal is endless. He is the new navigating system that governs our lives. The Magi represent all people, nations. They are the wise men, astrologers, experts in observing the movement of the stars as guide to major events. They left everything, took the risk and followed the star. They showed openness, humility and perseverance and they found the new born King of the Jews. They laid their lives down before the Lord in complete surrender and adoration. They are our models because all those who seek the truth with a sincere heart will find God. Therefore, as we begin the new year, we are called to seek Christ above all else and give birth to Him in our hearts. We are called to make the love of God shine in our hearts. God calls us to be agents of unity, harmony, healing, wholeness and life to others. He wants us to encounter Him so that we become fully alive and totally free. When we do that, we are truly the light of the world like Jesus.