The Gospel of John is full of symbolic language. The author uses sign as equivalent of a miracle. Sign points to reality beyond itself. It points to greater things to come. The purpose of sign is to inspire belief. Jesus performs seven signs in the gospel of John. They are the following: the wine at Cana (2:1-11), the healing of an official’s son, also performed at Cana (4:46-54), the healing of a sick man (5:1-9), the feeding of the five thousand (6:1-14), Jesus walking on the sea (6:15-21), the healing of the man born blind (9:1-34), the resurrection of Lazarus (11:38-44) and the resurrection of Jesus which is the seventh and final sign. The Eucharist is the source  and summit of Christian life. It is the celebration of the living sacrifice of Jesus which is once and for all sacrifice for the whole humanity. It is a living sacrifice of praise because it is pleasing to the Father. Jesus is our sacrifice, ransom, reparation and atonement. He brings healing into our wounded humanity so that we become wounded healers in the world. He restores wholeness to our fallen humanity so that we become persons of integrity capable of undivided love like Jesus and the saints. Jesus reveals the perfect and ultimate sign on the Cross because He fulfills the marriage between God and man. In Him we have full access to God. He destroys all separations and division. He defeats evil, sin and death forever. God wants to marry His people so that we participate in His life. He is the bridegroom and we are the bride, the believing community, the Church. He is our Father and we are His children. The Cross is the glory of God because it is there that His extravagant love is revealed by Jesus. He withholds nothing to us even His only begotten Son to lead us to the goodness He desires for us. He wants us to live with Him forever. And that begins today. We are called to imitate Mary, the Mother of Jesus and our Mother so that like her we have also the same mind and heart of Jesus. Like Mary we are called to have a believing and receptive heart because a believing and receptive heart is a space where God makes things new.