

In the Gospel of Mark (Chapter 8:27-35), Jesus speaks for the first time about the Cross. He speaks for the first time about His passion and death. And that was shocking to the disciples especially Peter because the Jews expected the Messiah to be a powerful, triumphant military king like David who will drive out the Romans and reestablish the …


The sayings and teachings of Jesus are hard. His disciples were shocked to hear His bread of life discourse. They said, “Who can accept it?” And many of them left and no longer accompanied Him. There are many hard  sayings of Jesus that He left us. “Love your enemies, pray for your persecutors, forgive your brother not seven times but …

From Pastor Romeo Velos – TRUE WORSHIP

Jesus is the perfect revelation of God’s love. He is the sign par excellence of the invisible God. He speaks and acts in the person of the one true God. Hence, He is the New Temple, the new place of encounter with God. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. He is the bridge between …

Pastor Romeo Velos – MIRACLE OF LOVE

Jesus said, “For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink!” These are strong words from Jesus that scandalized and shocked the Jews. They quarreled among themselves and asked, “How can this man give us his flesh to eat?” Jesus did not change His words. He said, “Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man …

From Pastor Romeo Velos, BREAD OF LIFE

Jesus said, “Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life!” These words are shocking to the Jews. They sound like cannibalism. Many of the disciples of Jesus left him. What is Jesus saying here? He reveals Himself as the New Lamb. This is a sacrificial language. This points to the Passover lamb sacrificed to save the lives …

Food That Perishes

It’s so easy to do the right thing because we want to tick all the right boxes. We want to live by the law. We want to accomplish the work of God. Or, at least, we say that we do. But Jesus tells us that in order to accomplish the work of God, we have to believe in the one …

July 28, 2024 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

The world is filled with people whose basic needs aren’t met, whether for clean water, nutrition, safety, education, meaningful work, stable family life, basic medical resources, religious freedom, and the right to life. So how can we possibly believe what Psalm 145 says to us this week, “The hand of the Lord feeds us, he answers all our needs”? Does …

July 21, 2024 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Burnout. Recent studies suggest that roughly two-thirds of doctors and nurses have signs of it. You probably know what burnout is: long-term stress leading to emotional exhaustion and a lack of a sense of personal accomplishment. Burnout can threaten anyone who tries to seriously serve and love others. How does our faith inform this challenging experience, and how do we …